what we do
To stabilize the family and maintain the home environment.

Intensive In-home
Intensive in-home services are a community-based mental health service that take place in the home and community, as needed.

Substance Abuse Counseling
This service will be provided in the home by a Certified Substance Abuse Counselor (CSAC) or a Certified Substance Abuse Counselor Assistant (CSAC-A)

Family Counseling
Family counseling by a licensed or licensed eligible clinical will be provided when it is determined that a family maybe in the process of experiencing a crisis

Individual Counseling
When services needed in the home go beyond the scope of a QMHP, a licensed or licensed eligible clinician will provide individual counseling as an extra layer of support the client.

About Us
DYNOX, LLC Intensive In-Home Program
DYNOX, LLC - Believes that every child/client and their family deserves the right to remain intact. It is also our belief that every family has the right when receiving services to be treated with dignity and respect. Therefore, as an agency we are dedicated to providing a service that is individualized, therapeutically appropriate with the highest levels of accountability and quality, which shall be offered to all children and families without exception
We provide the family with tools that they can use to engage, interact, and behave in a way that positively serves the greater good of the entire family and their communities.Tony Williams, CEO
Our mission
The Family is the divine building block of society
our mission to serve each family with an individual, holistic, and comprehensive family-driven plan that speaks specifically to their needs as a unit. We recognize that family is the most significant influence in a child’s life and that from this structure a child’s first relationships are formed. We understand how children’s early interactions with their parents impact their interpersonal adjustment. We cognize that the family is a system and that when one part of the system changes the other parts of the system are required to change in order for there to be homeostasis. With this in mind we actively engage as many family members living in the home as possible to assist with working to modify behavior and maintain the client in the home.
To stabilize the family and maintain the home environment. This is achieved by providing therapeutically sound family focused and strength-based interventions and techniques during individual and family sessions that are aimed to decrease disruptive behaviors and to increase healthier interactions.
To stabilize the family and maintain the home environment. This is achieved by providing therapeutically sound family focused and strength-based interventions and techniques during individual and family sessions that are aimed to decrease disruptive behaviors and to increase healthier interactions.

185 +
Strengthen Our Communities
95 %
Happy Families
85 M
Global Impact
Who we are
Build Stronger And Healthier Families
With over 40 years of combined experience in: Intensive in-home, probation and parole, substance abuse, leadership development, adolescent and family counseling, mediation, reunification, and training and development. We bring a wealth of knowledge and specific targeted skills and tools that are evidenced-based, proven effective, and measurable. We fully believe that the family is the cornerstone of society and that by partnering to build stronger and healthier families we in turn strengthen our communities and create societies where everyone contributes to the best of their ability.